Today i am going to the incredible race. My group have 4 members, they are me, sze some, suk leng and xin yi.
After eating roti canai with sze some, we go to the Taman Muhibah there for gather. Our gather time is 9.00am, luckly we arrived there at 8.50am not late.
When we arrived there, i saw many people that wearing green clothes are all over there. We go and report. Our group name is 90后. Total there are 16groups taking part in this incredible race.After giving the instruction for us, the game START!!!!
Our first mission is they give us two suduko and call us complete as fast as possible. Actually me and sze some dont know how to play it, luckly got suk leng and xin yi know how to play. We are the fastest one in this fisrt mission. Then, one person will give us one map and one clue to find the second places.
We go across the ktm with the footbrige, we want to take the bus and go there. But unluckly, the bus just go through. So we take the taxi and go there lo. Firstly, the texi driver want to charge RM15 . After bargain , the net price is RM10. Then we let's go.
This mission is "去大众银行提款然后去油站添油". This is our mission. We go to the public bank with 8 minutes , i think so. When reaching there, we dont see any people at the public bank there. We take quite long time searching the people who wear the green t-shirt. After that, we dont think anything and just go the petronas see got people anot. Really not i out of my expect, the two guys really at there at waiting. They said we want to find some vehicle to pump the air .One vehicle is 10 marks. We need to get 15 marks then only can go to the next mission. Not just need to pump the air, we also need use the water to clean the tire . If is car we need to polished, if motorcycle then no need. We total pump 1 car and 2 motorcycle. After we done, we get the second clue.
The second clue is they give us one map and need go to there. Sze some and me know the place is at where . Cus we more familiar with serdang. We need to walk there, because the place is not very far from the petronas. About ten minutes, we arrive there. This place is located beside the pasar . Here is a shop that sale hair shampoo and hair conditional like this things.At there we need to find out three things that they need us to find out in this haip shop. This mission is quite easy lo, only sze some and xin yi also can solve it easily.
Next, we also get the next clue.

When sze some saw this she said is at "THE MINES" . But we not sure, so i called for my cousin and ask them. They also said is THE MINES. Then we go to the bus stop and wait for the bus coming.
We follow the clue that they give. We go "THE MINES", then go to the level 4 and find this place. This is a game station. There got two lenglui are waiting us. Our mission is, we need to throw the basketball , and need to achieve 230 marks. If not very will get the punishment. We got 2 chance. We two times also cant achieve 230 marks. Then, the punishment is they give us two photo and want us to find out and use the photo take it. About 15 minutes, we complete this punishment. Then, we get the next clue.
My first intuition when i see this picture is "SOUTH CITY". After confirm, we go there by taxi, the price is RM6. Actually is very near if we go there by vehicle ,if we walk we must die ya...
I thought south city only got one snooker. But then is not. We cant find the second snooker. We keep searching the other snooker. It waste us many time to find it. But finally , we found it. It located the top of the south city. At there we meet pei shuang that group. Then we two group got one game play together. The game is one of us do the action and let other to guess, which group guess more correct then is win. But we only correct 9, they correct 15. So sad, then we got punishment. The punishment is we want to find out one shop name that they want us to find out. After that, our mission is we want to find out one person who has a bag is yellow in colour and one person has a small hat . And then we want to take photo and show it to the person who in charge. Then , they give us the lunch as well. Our next mission is here.
We go there by bus . It is very far from south city. We go to the PAPARICH there and find them. Our new mission is we need to find out 2 fags that pink colour, go 99 buy things and go to laundry to ask the price. We separate into 2 groups. one is me and sze some another is suk leng and xin yi. Two groups find more faster ma..... After that, we go to the next station.
The answer is EQUINE PARK . IS 大众,one of the food court at the equine park. Then, we walk again. Walk ,walk, walk. Finally reached there. Our mission is we want to find these words from the sign of the shop . The words is 勇courge and 潮流trend. We walk around the shop there and find these words lo. On the way, we got meet another participle. After that we go to the 7th station.
Guess the name . [Taman University Indah]
We walk to the bus stop again. We wait the bus at the bus stop . When the bus arrive, we go to the Taman Univerity there. When arrive, we walk again. We walk to the basketball that show at the map. We there and see three people there. They want us to play game . One is shaking the hula hoop next is jump hula hoop last is play badminton. U see this game like very easy but actually no lo. If u can shake hoop 1-100 is 1 marks, 100-200 is 2 marks and so on. The marks that we need to achieve is 15 marks. Then badminton racket is plastic.. Very hard to play. Finally, we cant get the 15 mrks. Our punishment is need to take photo 五连拍. Then is our last mission. This clue we see many times already also cant understand. Then finally we see the map that they give us and it lastly.
This is our the place that we all group need to gather at here. Then we use bus again to back to the KTM there. It is very far far from my current position. But no choose. When we reached there. There already many teams at there. We reached there is 4.00pm . We get N0.7. not bad also. The last team come back here is 5.00pm. I n this one hour, they use it to give the price and certificate. About 6.00pm , i call my dad and fetch me .
This incredible race is a good experience for me . This is the first time i join like this activity. Got a little bit like RUNNUNG MAN. xD
K, this is the things i share it at here. I need rest now , BYE.
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